Articles Tagged with Texas M&A Attorney

AdobeStock_520992702-300x170For many business owners, there comes a day when it is time to sell their company. When it is your time to sell our business, make sure that you have a Texas M&A attorney by your side to ensure you take all steps necessary to protect your interests and maximize the value of your business.

Your business may be worth more than just the total value of their assets, and this may impact how you sell your business. You will need to decide whether you want your sale to be an asset sale, where you sell the business’s assets but not the entity that owns them, or an ownership sale, where you sell your ownership stake in the entity, which continues to own all of the assets.

Preparing for the Sale of a Business

AdobeStock_363999428-300x200Post-closing disputes in many private mergers and acquisitions (M&As) can quickly turn once beneficial business decisions into sources of complete frustration and possible value destruction. When you are considering a merger or acquisition in Texas, it’s important to have the right legal representation on your side to ensure the process goes as smoothly as possible. At Structure Law Group, LLP, our experienced Austin mergers and acquisitions attorneys have the expertise and knowledge to provide you with the best possible legal advice and guidance to ensure a successful transaction.

Several post-closing disputes result from proper planning and insufficient forethought before people execute acquisition agreements. When you exercise the necessary diligence and retain legal counsel, you will be far less likely to end up in a dispute.
