Articles Tagged with Los Angeles corporations lawyer

AdobeStock_503316415-300x200If you have established, or are thinking about forming, a corporation in California, then you’ll need to create a set of corporate bylaws. This may sound like an unnecessary formality – especially if you are a start-up with just a handful of shareholders and employees. However, no matter the size of your corporation, bylaws are a necessity that can help protect you and your business. The experienced Los Angeles corporations lawyers at Structure Law Group can assist you in preparing corporate bylaws that will help keep your business on the right legal path.

The Purpose of Bylaws

Corporate bylaws serve as the governing rules for managing a corporation. A corporation’s board of directors is responsible for adopting, revising, and repealing bylaws. While the bylaws don’t need to cover every minute detail of the corporation’s day-to-day operations, they should provide a fundamental “roadmap” for how the business will be conducted.