Articles Tagged with California Business Litigation Attorney

AdobeStock_79495533-300x200Business disputes arise for many reasons. For example, a vendor might have a unpaid invoice that is several months overdue. Or an insurance company may refuse to pay on a claim after your factory suffered fire damage. Or perhaps you recently had a fallout with a partner and have been going back-and-forth on how to separate them from the business.

At a certain point in the process, you may need to send a formal document known as a demand letter to try and break the logjam. Conversely, another party may send you a demand letter. In either case, it is always best to work with an experienced California business litigation attorney who can advise you of your rights and responsibilities when it comes to demand letters. The team at Structure Law Group assists many California businesses in this area, and we can put that expertise to work for you.

How a Demand Letter Works