Since 1995 only attorneys, architects and accountants were eligible to practice as a limited liability partnership in California. However, as of September 30, 2010 new rules now allow engineers and land surveyors to take advantage of the LLP form of entity as well.

Although the law currently only extends until January 1, 2016, this is still great news for engineers and land surveyors that may have wanted a liability protection entity for their businesses, but did not want to deal with the hassle of annual meetings and minutes required of a corporation. These businesses are not eligible to be limited liability companies (LLCs) because of the restriction in the LLC Act preventing any business that requires a license or certification under the Business and Professions Act to be an LLC in California.

Section 16306(c) of the California Corporations Code provides in part that: “… a partner in a registered limited liability partnership is not liable or accountable, directly or indirectly, including by way of indemnification, contribution, assessment, or otherwise, for debts, obligations, or liabilities of or chargeable to the partnership or another partner in the partnership, whether arising in tort, contract, or otherwise, that are incurred, created, or assumed by the partnership while the partnership is a registered limited liability partnership, by reason of being a partner or acting in the conduct of the business or activities of the partnership.”

This liability protection is a very important reason to operate your business through an LLP.

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Any large business transaction, particularly a merger or acquisition, requires a well-coordinated team for success. Assembling your team early on makes a large difference between success and failure, whether you are in San Jose, California or Sydney, Australia.

The most critical advisors are your attorney and your accountant. If you are a business owner and you don’t have an attorney or an accountant advising your company, you need to get one now. Although either professional can “parachute in” to assist your company in the event of a sale, their advice to you will be much more efficient and effective if they have direct and long term experience with your company. Failing to have ongoing advice in legal, tax, and financial matters will likely result in the need for remedial work and higher expense in closing a business sale.

Finding a suitable attorney will likely be your first task in assembling your business team. As with any advisor, you should use your referral network to find a professional that is appropriate to your business. You should only choose someone who you believe can act as a trusted, strategic advisor in planning, growing, and selling your business, rather than someone who can merely produce documents. An attorney who you allow to attend your board and/or shareholder meetings and generally become familiar with your business will be able to advise you on building the proper foundation for an ultimate sale of your business. He or she will also be able to tailor their advice to the realities of your business and your own risk preferences.

Whether your business is located in Silicon Valley or somewhere else, whenever you hire someone, that worker is either an independent contractor or an employee. Using the correct classification is crucial because federal and state governments are targeting businesses with incorrectly classified employees to collect substantial employment taxes and penalties. In addition, workers may sue for employee benefits they claim they should have been eligible for.

How do you determine the proper classification?

The IRS and the state governments have different tests. The IRS tells you to consider behavioral control (do you have the right to control what will be done and how?), financial control (is the worker offering their services to others and incurring their own costs?), and relationship of the parties (more than just the title of any employment contract). California boils it down to one question: Does the employer have the right to direct and control the manner and means in which the worker carries out the job? If the answer to that is not clear, there are ten secondary factors to consider.

What should you do to get your company documentation ready for a potential merger or acquisition? Consult your lawyer. First, he or she will assist the company in getting its basic corporate minute book updated. Important transactions, such as those involving company stock or stock options, appointment or election of directors and officers, and substantial transactions should all be properly documented. The company’s stock book and capitalization table should be reviewed for accuracy, particularly if there are multiple owners. If the company has gone through equity financings or debt financings, closing binders containing the material documents in each of these transactions will need to be made available.

Second, your lawyer should review existing documentation for legal traps. The minefield that poorly prepared documentation presents is extensive, but a few examples can help illustrate the problem. Companies early on may not be able to afford employees, so they will use independent contractors to help create their basic technology. If the company does not have a signed agreement from the non-employee inventor assigning all rights to the company, the inventor, not the company, owns the technology. If the same company has licensed its technology under a purchase order that provides for a transfer of title, then the company now may not own its own technology because it just transferred to the customer title to its technology. Of course, because it didn’t get an assignment from the inventor in the first place, it may not have been legally able to transfer the technology to the customer, so the company may now be in breach. Situations like this do not typically advance closing dates.

Another legal trap exists in confidentiality terms, common to many contracts. These provisions prevent you from disclosing important information you receive from the other party. Often, this information includes the contract itself. As a result, you’ll need to get permission from the other party to disclose the contract. When you ask the other party to disclose, they will want to know who the recipient will be. At that point, you’ll need to disclose the name of the acquirer, and likely the fact that your company is being sold. The fact that you are being sold may not make the other party to your contract very happy. All of this requires you to make sure you know where you are under confidentiality, and to have a strategy where the disclosure requires delicate handling.

Even in the San Francisco Bay Area, buying a business is like buying a house. You wouldn’t do it without performing due diligence and a good inspection. Unlike a house, however, strengths and challenges in a business lie in its relationships, and not necessarily in its building. For this reason, buyers will spend a significant amount of time in reviewing a company’s documentation before any merger or acquisition.

A buyer reviews documentation for a number of reasons. Many are business-oriented, such as whether the company has good title to its technology, has solid supply and strategic relationships, and has not overextended itself in promises made to customers or employees.

The fastest way for the sale of your company to implode is for you to be unable to deliver a complete record of your company to a buyer. It is typical for a company hoping to sell itself to make available online their corporate documentation promptly after a letter of intent is signed. The longer it takes to make this documentation available, the longer it will take to close the sale. A long sale process is almost never to the seller’s advantage. Worse, not having information readily available creates a perception that the company is disorganized. This will increase the perceived risk to the buyer and will further lengthen the time to close.

Even in the reality-distorted vortex of Silicon Valley, a company’s financial statements are a critical tool in any merger or acquisition. If you are a venture-backed company, or have substantial bank loans requiring annual audits, your company’s financial statements may already be in relatively good shape. If you are an owner-operator, or have otherwise been relying on a tax-oriented approach to your financials, you’ll need to convert your financial statements to the standards commonly used by accountants.

Generally accepted accounting principles, or GAAP, is the method used by the accounting profession to create financial statements. If you are trying to sell your company, you will need to have GAAP financial statements to be able to attract the best buyers, and to be sure you are getting the best value. Because GAAP is so widely used and, in many cases, mandatory, failing to provide a buyer with GAAP financials will increase the perceived risk with respect to buying your company, thereby lowering the price.

An acquirer will likely require that you submit GAAP financials. As part of your agreement with the acquirer, you will represent that your company’s financials are compliant with GAAP. If you are wrong and the buyer is damaged as a result, the agreement will provide that you will have to compensate the buyer, usually through a reduction of the purchase price.

Because converting to GAAP financials is not an easy process, you need to get started as early as possible. In some businesses, such as those technology start-up companies, the conversion to GAAP could take years rather than months. Complications may arise, particularly in the revenue recognition area, and prior year financials may need to be restated. This could be disastrous if, in the middle of negotiations, adherence to GAAP eliminates the year-over-year profit increases you hoped to show.

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Your company, like many companies in Silicon Valley, may suddenly find itself faced with a market window to sell and provide a liquid return for its owners. If you are an entrepreneur or other business owner, you are always on the lookout to reap the value of your business. Before you start planning the next phase of your life, however, you need to plan carefully how you will sell your company.

A company sale is typically a multi-year process, and the sooner you begin the better off you will be when a deal finally arrives. Although exceptions exist, particularly in the roulette world of high technology start-ups, a good rule of thumb is that it will take you between two to four years to sell an operating company. You should plan to begin the process no later than three years before you plan to close. Preferably you should start when you form the company.

Why so early? If you are an owner-operator, you will need to change your focus from maximizing the amount of cash and other compensation you generate from your company, to improving business valuation. A simple mathematical example drives home the point. Many companies are sold on a multiple based on earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (often referred to as “EBITDA”). If your business can be sold for five times EBITDA, that extra dollar in compensation will cost you five dollars in sale price.

Recently, I have been doing a lot of work with a small business owner in San Jose. The more his business grew, the more stressed out he became. His fear of adding payroll to his company’s expenses was hampering the growth of his start-up company.

When you first start your own business, you will probably handle all of the daily tasks yourself. For a start-up company, staff of any kind is a luxury you probably cannot afford. As the business grows, however, and in order for it to grow, you cannot keep trying to do everything. Eventually, you will have too much on your plate and your service will suffer. So, before you harm the reputation of this new business you have been working so hard for, you need to divide the tasks into those that you have mastered and can systematize and train someone else to do, and those that should be done by professionals.

Tasks for Staff: Examine your financial situation and figure out how much staff you can afford, then invest in hiring good people. Teach those people how to do the tasks your way and let them run with it and report back to you when appropriate. Stay in touch with them so that you always have your finger on the pulse of your business and never become too dependent on any one employee. Growing your business in this way will provide greater independence for you, greater value for your company, and larger profits. When my San Jose start-up client hired his first salesman and saw that the company could progress without being completely dependent on his efforts, he became a much happier person.

In Part 1 of this entry, I discussed problems that some of my Silicon Valley clients have had with improper choice of entity – either because the tax consequences weren’t considered, or because restrictions in the California Corporations Code or Business and Professions Code were not taken into account. Here are two more expensive mistakes that business owners make when they try to form their own corporation or LLC online.

1. Not doing the required securities filings.

Online sites may not tell you that if you fail to file California and/or Federal securities filings you could be in violation of securities laws resulting in tremendous personal liability to return funds to your investors, despite the liability shield the entity is supposed to provide. Sometimes by the time I get involved it is too late to fix this, but sometimes we can do a late filing and get some, if not all, of the protection it provides. Corporations, as well as some LLCs and partnerships, are securities and must be treated accordingly.

I was in Los Gatos getting my hair cut this weekend and my hairdresser said something very interesting – he said that his best clients are the ones who try to do their hair themselves (especially their color) and then come to him to fix the mess they made. He said they are so grateful when he fixes the problem they created that they become clients for life. I am not the type of person to try to do my hair myself – too much risk for me. However, it struck a chord with me because it seems more and more I spend my time working with clients who have formed their own corporation or limited liability company through forms found on the internet, and then come to me to fix some problem they caused.

What is wrong with forming your own corporation or LLC online? Nothing, if you know what you are doing. However, most people who are starting a new business and need an entity do not specialize in forming companies. Here are two of the four most common (and costly) mistakes I have helped my Silicon Valley clients fix:

1. Picking the wrong type of entity — with disastrous tax consequences.