Crowdfunding is a great way for individuals and companies to fund new businesses, projects, and products through the Internet. With the advent of crowdfunding sites like Kickstarter and Indiegogo, it is easier than ever to fund your new business venture with the help of online supporters.
If you’ve heard anything about crowdsourcing money online as a source of achieving your startup dreams, you may have wondered what some of the legal consequences may be that are associated with taking “donations” from the public. Here are 3 potential legal issues that arise from using crowdfunding to support your business.

Crowdfunding Sites: 3 Potential Legal Issues
1. Choose the Right Structure for Your Business
When you post your project on a crowdfunding website, if you haven’t formed a business already, you are now a sole proprietor by default. This type of business structure comes with its own benefits, but keep in mind that this might not be the type of business entity that’s best for you. There may be another business entity that is better suited for your business needs. Consider forming your entity with the help of a lawyer before posting your project to avoid being locked into the wrong type of business structure. Continue reading ›