The U.S. real estate market has been drastically changed by the effects of COVID-19. In the years before the pandemic, demand had already begun to outpace supply, but this problem became much worse very quickly when a global pandemic upended the market. The strong seller’s market is likely to continue…
Articles Posted in real estate
What Can I Do if a Lis Pendens is Wrongfully filed?
A lis pendens, or Notice of Pendency of Action, is a legal notice which is filed with the recorder’s office that provides notice that there is legal action pending against the parcel of real property at issue. This area of law can be complicated, but at a minimum, it is…
What is an REIT?
There are many different types of businesses in which you can invest and earn profits, many of which that involve real estate. One important investment opportunity is a real estate investment trust, or REIT. This type of investment was created by Congress to give stockholders the opportunity to reap benefits…
Reviewing Your Commercial Lease
Everyone knows what they say about real estate: location, location, location. This same axiom is definitely true for many businesses too. While some businesses may operate out of homes and employ their workforce remotely, many operations require a physical location to which workers and customers go on a daily basis.…
How Retaining an Attorney Can Help Avoid Costly Business Litigation
Many business owners do not hire an experienced attorney for several reasons. Some believe they cannot afford it and others may believe there is no need for a lawyer unless a legal conflict arises. However, it is much more resource-effective (time, energy, and money) to have the guidance of a…
Payment Bonds and Government Contracts
Contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers have many tools at their disposal to protect their rights under construction contracts. While the mechanic’s lien is one of the most common ways a contractor or supplier can ensure full payment for their services, this type of legal tool can only be used for private…
Mechanics Lien Law basics for Owners, Contractors, and Subcontractors
Too often, a contractor, subcontractor, laborer, or material supplier on a construction job does not receive the compensation they deserve for the work they have performed or supplies they provided for the project. Fortunately, California law provides a method by which contractors and others can pursue adequate payment. If the…
Issues that Arise for Businesses in Condemnation Proceedings
Whether purchasing or leasing commercial real estate, where you decide to locate your business is critical. Some businesses remain in the same location for decades, even though major changes in ownership or operations. Some businesses are forced to move because they fall behind on rent, outgrow the space, simply close…
What is Breach of Lease? 3 Tips for Landlords
Landlords and tenants may come head-to-head in property disputes when an occupant breaks the rules of an their lease agreement. Knowing how to navigate a potential breach of lease is important for landlords when dealing with tenant issues. What is Breach of Lease? A real estate lease is a contract…