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Business Lawyers Blog


Separate Your Business Enterprises for Maximum Liability Protection: Sunnyvale Real Estate, Mountain View Manufacturing and Real Estate

Two recent conversations have reminded me of the importance of separating business enterprises for liability protection. I was helping a Sunnyvale real estate investor negotiate a commercial loan extension with a bank, and was thrilled that we had planned well in the past to separate all of his major properties…


Finally! LLCs for Licensed Contractors in California

As usual, January is a time when people think about getting their business in order and consider the ‘choice of entity’ question. Already this month I have received calls from two contractors, one from San Jose and one from Sunnyvale, who want to form an entity for their construction business.…


New Rules for California Limited Liability Partnerships (“LLP”)

Since 1995 only attorneys, architects and accountants were eligible to practice as a limited liability partnership in California. However, as of September 30, 2010 new rules now allow engineers and land surveyors to take advantage of the LLP form of entity as well. Although the law currently only extends until…


Selling Your Business – It Takes a Team

Any large business transaction, particularly a merger or acquisition, requires a well-coordinated team for success. Assembling your team early on makes a large difference between success and failure, whether you are in San Jose, California or Sydney, Australia. The most critical advisors are your attorney and your accountant. If you…


Independent Contractor or Employee? The Wrong Answer Could Cost You

Whether your business is located in Silicon Valley or somewhere else, whenever you hire someone, that worker is either an independent contractor or an employee. Using the correct classification is crucial because federal and state governments are targeting businesses with incorrectly classified employees to collect substantial employment taxes and penalties.…


Mergers and Acquisitions – The Importance of Good Company Records, Part 2

What should you do to get your company documentation ready for a potential merger or acquisition? Consult your lawyer. First, he or she will assist the company in getting its basic corporate minute book updated. Important transactions, such as those involving company stock or stock options, appointment or election of…


Mergers and Acquisitions – The Importance of Good Company Records, Part 1

Even in the San Francisco Bay Area, buying a business is like buying a house. You wouldn’t do it without performing due diligence and a good inspection. Unlike a house, however, strengths and challenges in a business lie in its relationships, and not necessarily in its building. For this reason,…

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