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Business Lawyers Blog


Purchasing Real Estate for Investment Purposes

Historically, only general or limited partnerships were used for investing in real estate, but over the past decade, forming a Limited Liability Company (an “LLC”) has become a more popular choice for real estate investors. An LLC formed for real estate investment purposes is not very different from a regular…


The Fiduciary Duties of the Officers and Directors of a Corporation – Part I

California law imposes fiduciary duties upon the officers and directors of a corporation which requires them to conduct themselves in a certain way with regard to the corporation and its shareholders. A fiduciary duty is the highest duty that the law can require and it requires those upon whom the…


What is Breach of Lease? 3 Tips for Landlords

Landlords and tenants may come head-to-head in property disputes when an occupant breaks the rules of an their lease agreement. Knowing how to navigate a potential breach of lease is important for landlords when dealing with tenant issues. What is Breach of Lease? A real estate lease is a contract…


The Importance of an Employee Handbook

Large companies frequently have corporate employee handbooks that are updated on an annual basis to reflect changes in employment laws or company policies. However, many small business owners with few employees may not see the need in having such a handbook that formally sets out employment policies and rules. While…


3 Benefits of Trade Secret Protections

Many business owners rely on ideas, formulas, inventions, and other types of intellectual property (IP) in order to make a profit. In fact, IP can be one of the most valuable assets of a company. Your specific product, brand, and other identifiers are often the components that define you and…


3 Due Diligence Concerns for a Target Company

If your company is the target of a merger or acquisition, you are undoubtedly facing a process called due diligence. Due diligence is essentially a thorough investigation into the state of the target company so that the buyer can be aware of all potential liabilities and other issues prior to…


4 Common Legal Issues that Arise in Commercial Real Estate Transactions

Commercial real estate transactions can be lucrative investments, but there may also be high risk due to the amount of money at stake. The following are 4 examples of legal issues that sometimes arise during the sale or purchase of commercial property. Accurate Property Valuation When you are shopping for…


What Constitutes Wrongful Termination?

Employment in California is generally “at-will,” which means that either the employer or employee may terminate the employment relationship at any time without good cause. However, under certain circumstances termination may be considered unlawful, and an employer can be exposed to possible liability for wrongful termination. It is important to…


What is Triple Net?

An NNN Lease, commonly referred to as Triple Net, is a commonly used commercial lease structure that requires the tenant to pay, in addition to its monthly rent, all costs associated with the operation of the building. Here is an overview of Triple Net, or an NNN Lease, and key…


What is the Difference between a General Partnership and Limited Partnership?

Partnerships exist when two or more people agree to engage in business for profit. Partnerships can be formed to engage in a number of different ventures, and generally have low start-up costs and do not require many formalities. There a several types of partnerships, each with their own benefits and…

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