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Business Lawyers Blog


Naming Your Company: 3 Steps to Choosing and Trademarking a Business Name

To make your business distinguishable, it’s important to focus on choosing and trademarking a business name early on; this is essential to securing ownership of your new company. Here are 3 steps to choosing the name of your business and protecting it under trademark law.   3 Steps for Trademarking…


Purchasing Real Estate: 3 Advantages of Hiring a Lawyer

Even seasoned business professionals can benefit from having legal counsel on their side when making a purchasing decision. Here are 3 advantages of hiring an experienced lawyer to help when purchasing real estate commercially. 3 Advantages of Hiring a Lawyer for a Real Estate Purchase 1. Determine State-Specific Laws Real…


The Importance of a Partnership Agreement

Some of the world’s most successful companies started as partnerships. Microsoft, Apple, McDonald’s, Warner Bros., Ben & Jerry’s, and Google are only some examples of now corporate giants that began with only two people working together to start a business. Unfortunately, many partnerships do not work as well, often because…


Supreme Court Speaks in Two Different Intellectual Property Cases

At the end of June 2015, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) published several opinions, including the highly-publicized decision that ruled all bans on same-sex marriage unconstitutional. While most of America was focused on the equal rights decision, there were two additional decisions regarding the use and protections…


Legal Considerations for Internet-Based Businesses

The robust expansion of the Internet and increased accessibility of Internet-enabled devices has provided entrepreneurs and existing businesses an easy and relatively inexpensive way to reach millions of people. One only needs to look the meteoric rise of companies like Amazon and Netflix to see the growth potential of an…


Protecting your Intellectual Property with a Non-Disclosure Agreement

For many new and existing businesses, their intellectual property (IP) may be by far their most valuable asset. Intellectual property can include literary works, software code, processes, formulas, manufacturing specifications, marketing plans, or designs.  In some cases, a company’s ideas may literally be their only asset – consider, for example,…


4 Common Legal Issues that Arise in Commercial Real Estate Transactions

Commercial real estate transactions can be lucrative investments, however there may also be high risk due to the amount of money that is generally at stake. The following are some examples of legal issues that sometimes arise during the sale or purchase of commercial property.   Accurate property valuation When…


The Pros & Cons of Including an Arbitration Clause

There are pros and cons to including an arbitration clause as part of your contractual agreements. Arbitration is a popular and can be effective forum for settling disputes between individuals, businesses, in real estate contracts and in employment settings under the right circumstances. There are two types or arbitration clauses:…


How can a Shareholder Rights Plan Prevent a Hostile Takeover?

The possibility of a hostile takeover is a very real concern for many publicly traded companies. A hostile takeover can occur in a number of ways, but one of the most common is purchasing enough stock on the open market to obtain a controlling majority. The main characteristic that defines…


Age Discrimination in Employment Act

In 1967, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed an historic law into effect prohibiting employment bias on the grounds of age: The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA). This act gives certain labor protections to workers over age 40. But do you know how this law affects employment at your company?…

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