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Business Lawyers Blog


COVID-19 Emergency Economic Injury Grants

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. Small Business Administration (“SBA”) has agreed to disburse Emergency Economic Injury Grants of up to $10,000 to companies experiencing financial struggles.  Small business owners that apply for an Economic Injury Disaster Loan are eligible to receive the grants, which do not need…


Avoiding Partnership Disputes

A partnership is like a marriage. It takes effective communication to meet mutual goals. You can avoid many partnership disputes by creating a clear operating agreement before the partnership starts doing business. The experienced San Jose business attorneys at Structure Law Group can help you avoid unnecessary partnership disputes. By…


Partnerships vs. LLCs – Which is Right for You?

When starting a new business, it is important to know what type of business entity will best protect you and your investors. The wrong entity selection could expose your business to unnecessary legal liability and tax liability. Let an experienced business formation attorney advise you on the best way to…


Understanding Mechanics Liens in California

Mechanics liens are a complicated legal tool with dramatic financial consequences. It is important for any property owner, business owner, or contractor to understand how this tool applies to you. Call Structure Law Group at (408) 441-7500. Our experienced Silicon Valley business lawyers can help you understand how mechanics liens…


Important Steps for Selling Your Business in California

Everyone has different reasons for starting and ending a business. Some Silicon Valley entrepreneurs start their businesses hoping to be acquired by a larger corporation. Many tech industry business owners build their enterprises with the goal of selling them, while other business owners are simply ready for a change. Whether…


Should You Draft Your Own Business Contracts?

Drafting contracts that properly protect your legal interests requires training, a unique skillset, and years of experience as a business attorney.  Contracts that are not drafted by experienced counsel often fail to provide adequate protections to the parties involved.  For example, contracts prepared by business people that are not attorneys…


Can You Pay Your Employees with Bitcoin?

In forward-thinking Silicon Valley, many individuals and businesses have made profitable investments in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Employers may want to take advantage of healthy appreciation and pay their employees in this increasingly-valuable currency. But employers must use caution. Employment laws still apply to regulate the manner in which a…


How an Attorney Can Help You Collect on Your Business Debts

Effective business owners know that all assets and liabilities must be properly managed. Debts owed to a business are assets, and if these debts are not repaid, the asset is mismanaged. A business debt collection attorney can help your business realize the full value of your debt assets. Call Structure…


Make Sure That Your Startups Equity Awards Comply with all Applicable Securities Laws

In recent years, it has become more and more common for technology and other startups to attract and compensate their employees through grants of stock and stock options.  In Silicon Valley, stock options have become an expected element of compensation.  For startups competing with more established companies for talent, stock…


Protecting Your Intellectual Property as a Startup

Launching a startup is an exciting time for entrepreneurs. There are many people involved in many processes that could make or break your business. During this time, your intellectual property (IP) can be exposed to many different people and businesses. It is important to protect it from theft and unlicensed…

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