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Articles Posted in Corporations


Understanding Commercial Leases

The hectic San Jose real estate market can present challenges for any landlord or tenant. With complicated commercial lease agreements, the stakes are often higher, and the legal issues are more complicated. The San Jose real estate attorneys at Structure Law Group are here to help business owners from all…


COVID-19 and Civil Litigation: What’s Changed With Our California Superior Courts

The coronavirus pandemic changed every aspect of life in California. Though the health crisis has improved, the long-term effects of COVID continue to affect us in many different ways. One of the big problems facing the legal profession is access to the state court system. Emergency procedures shut the courts…


Filing a DBA for a Business Entity

Naming a business is a critical component of branding strategy for a person or entity involved in a California business. When the name of the business does not include the owner’s last name, a person or entity has to file a fictitious business name (FBN) statement with the office of…


When Selling A Business: Steps to Protect One’s Interests

When you are selling a business in California, it can be a somewhat complex but still rewarding process that requires an exit strategy to realize the gains from building and operating a successful business. The number of moving parts when selling a business makes documentation of the terms of a…


Buying a Business in California? Protect Yourself With These Steps

The prospect of buying an existing business in California can be an extraordinarily exciting time for all types of people, but there will be several concerns of which a prospective business owner needs to be aware. You do not want to leap into any business venture without performing due diligence…


Why a Buy-Sell Agreement Is Essential for Your Business

When entrepreneurs are starting a business involving a partner or multiple partners, a buy-sell agreement will be a must-have because the agreement will establish protections for every party and the company if something happens or an exit event occurs with any of the business partners. Without this agreement, several variables…


Changes to the Real Estate Market in 2022

The U.S. real estate market has been drastically changed by the effects of COVID-19. In the years before the pandemic, demand had already begun to outpace supply, but this problem became much worse very quickly when a global pandemic upended the market. The strong seller’s market is likely to continue…


What Is the Difference Between an LLC and an S-Corp?

Entrepreneurs of all kinds face a daunting choice when trying to determine whether to establish their businesses as limited liability companies (LLCs) or S Corporations (S-corps). While an LLC will be a separate business structure, an S Corporation is actually a tax status, so forming an LLC involves filing paperwork…


Misclassification of Employees and Independent Contractors After AB-5

Classifying workers as employees or independent contractors has many different legal implications. In recent years, massive litigation efforts from big companies like Uber have highlighted confusion in this area of the law. This confusion led to the passage of AB-5, which was signed into law in September 2019. The law…


Piercing the Corporate Veil in California

A corporation is a legal entity that grants its shareholders and directors certain legal protections. While these members are generally protected from the debts of a business, it is not always the case. A plaintiff can “pierce the corporate veil” in certain situations, meaning that the court will hold the…

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