A limited liability company (LLC) is a type of business entity. When formed properly and managed correctly, this business type can offer some protection from liability. Many business owners prefer the LLC because it can protect their personal assets from being used to satisfy the debts of the business. An…
Articles Posted in Corporations
OCC Approves Use of Cryptocurrency for Payments
Digital currency is becoming an increasingly popular way of conducting business, particularly due to the rise in contactless payments brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Office of the Comptroller of Currency (OCC) has issued new guidance to ensure that financial institutions use digital currency safely. The OCC’s requirements include…
Revision to Model Rules of Ethics Allows Attorneys to Give Modest Financial Assistance to Pro Bono Clients
Most attorneys are familiar with the Model Rules of Professional Responsibility. Beyond studying for the MPRE, these rules are important in practice and attorneys who do not understand how they apply can face disciplinary issues with the State Bar. A new change to an old rule may allow pro bono…
Tips on Protecting Your Business From Litigation
California business owners face many different types of litigation. It is important to mitigate the risk of liability by consulting with a California business litigation attorney before your business is even established. The experienced California business litigation lawyers at Structure Law have helped entrepreneurs in all types of industries protect…
When Should I Have My Employees Sign A Non-Disclosure Agreement?
Most businesses in California have confidential and valuable information to protect. Ensuring its protection is often a vital priority. In the ordinary course of business, companies will enter into numerous consulting agreements, service agreements and strategic alliances. These agreements are best made with the advice of a Los Angeles employment…
CIO: The New Chief in Charge
In the twenty-first century, information is power. Businesses are facing unprecedented challenges in the race to create, maintain and protect information. These challenges have become painfully obvious in recent years. Business owners have had to move their operations to an entirely remote format while still maintaining cybersecurity. Cybersecurity has been…
What do I do if I have a Data Security Breach?
Data breaches continue to make the news as more individuals have their personal information exposed to hackers. The hackers can then set up credit cards in a customer’s name, apply for government benefits, and potentially expose them to legal action. Companies traditionally have a duty of care to ensure the…
Understanding Commercial Leases
The hectic San Jose real estate market can present challenges for any landlord or tenant. With complicated commercial lease agreements, the stakes are often higher, and the legal issues are more complicated. The San Jose real estate attorneys at Structure Law Group are here to help business owners from all…
COVID-19 and Civil Litigation: What’s Changed With Our California Superior Courts
The coronavirus pandemic changed every aspect of life in California. Though the health crisis has improved, the long-term effects of COVID continue to affect us in many different ways. One of the big problems facing the legal profession is access to the state court system. Emergency procedures shut the courts…
Filing a DBA for a Business Entity
Naming a business is a critical component of branding strategy for a person or entity involved in a California business. When the name of the business does not include the owner’s last name, a person or entity has to file a fictitious business name (FBN) statement with the office of…