Any large business transaction, particularly a merger or acquisition, requires a well-coordinated team for success. Assembling your team early on makes a large difference between success and failure, whether you are in San Jose, California or Sydney, Australia. The most critical advisors are your attorney and your accountant. If you…
Articles Posted in Corporations
Independent Contractor or Employee? The Wrong Answer Could Cost You
Whether your business is located in Silicon Valley or somewhere else, whenever you hire someone, that worker is either an independent contractor or an employee. Using the correct classification is crucial because federal and state governments are targeting businesses with incorrectly classified employees to collect substantial employment taxes and penalties.…
Forming Your Own Corporation or LLC Online May Cost a Lot More Than Using a Lawyer, Part 2
In Part 1 of this entry, I discussed problems that some of my Silicon Valley clients have had with improper choice of entity – either because the tax consequences weren’t considered, or because restrictions in the California Corporations Code or Business and Professions Code were not taken into account. Here…
Forming Your Own Corporation or LLC Online May Cost a Lot More Than Using a Lawyer, Part 1
I was in Los Gatos getting my hair cut this weekend and my hairdresser said something very interesting – he said that his best clients are the ones who try to do their hair themselves (especially their color) and then come to him to fix the mess they made. He…