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Articles Posted in Corporations


Employee vs. Independent Contractor

You’re ready to hire. Should you go with an employee or independent contractor? Your decision will have implications for your business. In this blog post we’ll address the differences between employees and independent contractors, the benefits of both and how to tell the difference between the two. What is an…


Mergers and Acquisitions: Understanding the Difference

A quick scan of the headlines shows come confusion about the deal between AT&T and DirecTV. Some media outlets are calling it an acquisition while others say the 48 billion dollar purchase is a merger. Mergers and acquisitions are similar with a few important distinctions. In this post we’ll address…


Business Tips: 4 Steps for a Successful Contract Negotiation

Business is an ongoing back-and-forth between interested parties. Contract negotiations, whether they be with employees or a competing business, can be contentious. There’s a lot at stake and big feelings are involved. A successful contract negotiation is one where all parties feel they got something out of the deal. This…


Business Plan 101: The Legal Steps to Starting A Company

Starting a business can feel overwhelming. Whether you’re opening a brick and mortar store or an online business, there are a lot of steps involved in turning your idea into reality. Creating a business plan and securing funding are a solid beginning; at this point you’ll also need to do…


Business Entities: Beware of New Reporting Requirement for Change of Mailing Address, Business Location or Responsible Party

If you are an employer in San Jose, you are most likely aware that on January 1, 2014, the minimum wage increased to $10.15 per hour for your business; California’s minimum wage increase was to $9 per hour. In addition to new employment laws, there, there have been other new…


Founders’ Equity: Repurchase of Unvested Stock by a Company

I spend a lot of time talking to founders of Silicon Valley start-ups about the stock they will receive in exchange for their contributions to their new company, and then preparing restricted stock purchase agreements for the founders. In the last couple of blogs, I have discussed the issues surrounding…

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